10 Positive Thinking Books that Can Change Your Life

One of the most frequent questions we receive is for the best positive thinking books. So, we like to share those that have made the biggest impact in our own lives. We’re excited to share this list with you here.

“If you can change your mind, you can change your life.”
–  William James

After having read hundreds of books, naming our absolute favorite positive thinking books became complex, because the power of positivity goes far beyond positive thinking.  It encompasses physical and spiritual wellness, as well as health in our relationships, finances and many other areas of our lives.  Needless to say, this list of our favorite positive thinking books list is by no means only collection of books you should own. There are so many others that could change your life, but we had to stop somewhere, right?

So without further ado, here are…

10 Positive Thinking Books that Might Change Your Life

1.  The Alchemistpositive-thinking

Paulo Coelho’s legacy will forever be cemented into history through his book, The Alchemist.  The wisdom that The Alchemist shares is simple yet profound.  Santiago, a shepherd boy goes on a quest from his home in Spain, in search of treasure hidden inside an ancient Egyptian pyramid.  Meeting an alchemist, a Gypsy woman and a man who calls himself king, Santiago is guided on his journey.  The story transfers the quest for treasure into a spiritual journey to uncover the treasures found within.  This book brings a realization of the value contained in our hearts, minds, and dreams.

positive-thinking-power2. The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking is one of the most recognized positive thinking books in the world.  Norman Vincent Peale has not only inspired us here, but has also helped millions of people realize that their dreams lie within the ability to practice full faith in everyday actions. Through his positive, practical techniques, Dr. Peale describes how to have a new level of “oomph” in life to manifest your hopes and ambitions.

3. Think and Grow Rich

“If you are ready for the secret, you already possess one half of it.” – Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich sold over 20 million copies.  In the story, Napoleon dedicated 20 years of his life studying and interviewing 500 of the most successful people at the time. Thomas Edison, Henry Ford , and Andrew Carnegie were all subjects of Napoleon’s diligent research.  Not only did this book have a tremendous influence on us, it did so for the whole field of personal development and positive thinking.

positive-thinking4. As a Man Thinketh

The logic of the book As a Man Thinketh by James Allen follows the simple yet profound premise that your thoughts create your life.  If you have practice negative thinking, you will create a life full of negative circumstances.  On the contrary, when we practice positive thinking, ‘All the world softens towards us, and is ready to help us.’

This bolsters the belief that we attract whatever it is that we are thinking, whether it be love or fear-based, through our subconscious delivery system that serves as a catalyst for physical manifestation.

positive-thinking5. Psycho-cybernetics

Psycho-cybernetics by Maxwell Malts combines cognitive behavioral techniques with  cybernetics to define the intricate workings of our mind-body connection and how it serves as the core in attaining your goals in life.  Maltz worked with many of his clients to make their goals of a positive outcome occur through the visualization of that outcome.

Even the world’s leading experts in self-help and personal development like Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, and Brian Tracy Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy have used the work of Maxwell Maltz as a foundation for their very own teachings.


6. The Magic

Rhonda Byrne’s books about “The Secret”, “The Power”, and “The Magic have garnered world attention and sparked a global awakening.   The Magic takes us one step further through “The Secret”, and shows us that gratitude is key in changing your life.

The Magic takes you on a life changing 28-day journey, with a follow-up in each chapter that contains special exercises to help you practice gratitude. We have found that this book and the positive thinking practices contained within will not only assist in changing the way you think, but will also set your dreams and desires into motion.

positive-thinking7. The Charge

The Charge-Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive by Brendon Burchard will take you on a personal journey to live a more impassioned life. This book will teach you how to embrace change and challenges; how to discover your outlets for creative expression, and the value of contributing and aligning ourselves to personal goals or aspirations.

The Charge challenges each of us to become more passionate in life through discovering your creativity and expressing it in your own unique way.  We love this book, and you surely will too!


8. The Power of NOW

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle brings understandable spirituality to every person, especially into those with a western world-view. The simple language Eckhart Tolle uses in this book simply cuts through falsehood, bringing a deep meaning into the every day experiences in life along with a self-realization of the true importance the NOW contains.  We highly recommend this book and would love to hear what you think.

9. The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is a life-changing book, whose ideas come from the ancient Toltec wisdom of the native people of Southern Mexico. The Toltec were known ‘people of knowledge’, and Ruiz’s family was firmly emboldened with this knowledge.

positive-thinkingThe simple ideas of The Four Agreements provide a guide-map for living a positive life.  Here are  ‘The Four Agreements’, and what they mean according to Ruiz

  • Be impeccable with your word
    Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love.
  • Don’t take anything personally
    Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
  • Don’t make assumptions
    Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
  • Always do your best
    Your best will change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.

As you make these four agreements, your life will dramatically change. Integrating them into your being and every area of your life will soon become a practice that pays off generously.

positive-thinking10. Getting Into The Vortex: Guided Meditations CD and Book

Abraham-Hicks has created a true masterpiece that we have enjoyed since day one.  “Getting into the Vortex” means aligning with your highest self,which is also known as your direct connection to the divine – the broader part of who you are.  The teachings of Abraham in these guided meditations and books refer to us as a direct extension of pure positive source energy. Furthermore, only a fraction of that becomes our physical form.  It states that our purpose here is to live a life of contrast, recognizing what we don’t want to recognize what we do want. In turn, we cause the Universe to expand.  This practice is known as the Law of Attraction.  The Law of Attraction states, “The essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn.”  In other words, you create your reality through your thoughts, both subconscious and conscious.


11. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuffpositive-thinking

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – and it’s all small stuff by Richard Carlson, Ph.d. is the perfect short read to help you realize the true significance of your conscious thoughts, and how a positive thinking perspective can change all of that.

This book shows you that you can calm down in the midst of any situation.  Even in the incredibly hurried, stress-filled lives many live, this book will teach you how to put things in perspective. All it takes is making small daily changes.  One important quote that sticks out to us in this book says “Think of your problems as potential teachers”.  Worth the read, this book will definitely become a go-to guide in your reference list for positive thinking.

What are your favorite positive thinking books?



34 responses to “10 Positive Thinking Books that Can Change Your Life”

  1. Bernice Avatar

    Wonderful list, but nothing can match a real story, the one with which you can connect on the level of your soul.

    And then, all of a sudden, it changes the way you see yourself and everything around you… For me the book was the “University of Solitude”. Nothing’s been the same ever since.

  2. Sarah Rajakariar Avatar
    Sarah Rajakariar

    The Circle and You Can Heal Your Life

  3. Anna Bergström Avatar
    Anna Bergström

    Eckhart Tolle! The only books you need.

  4. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari … Very good book

  5. Acegirl Rodriguez Avatar
    Acegirl Rodriguez

    Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson

  6. Harpreet Singh Avatar
    Harpreet Singh

    YOU CAN WIN by Shiv khera is my favorite motivational book. Probably because of examples used.

  7. John Maguire Avatar
    John Maguire

    The Present by Spencer Johnson. Im currently reading the Power Now and slowly digesting it, but "Th e Present" is a great, simple yet powerful reminder of the power of the present. Good stuff and good recommendations.

  8. Lisa Glennie Avatar
    Lisa Glennie

    Shakti Gawains "Creative Visualization" was a total life changer for me. It is a very easy read (some books are laboriously redundent). The chapters are short and concise.

  9. The Secret Garden. It is fiction but it is incredibly inspiring.

  10. Odong Mike Lo'Asio Avatar
    Odong Mike Lo’Asio

    Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy….is agreat one.
    The Leader Who Had no Title by Robin Sharma
    The Greatness Guide by Robin Sharma

  11. Power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale is definitely life changing for me…I got grip of this book early and recently found another book by him "Power of Confidence" which is equally good and one step higher. But definitely going to try some other from this list. thanks.

  12. All good. Also The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck

  13. You can be happy no matter what by Richard Carlson

  14. Rachael Marie Shaffer Avatar
    Rachael Marie Shaffer

    Loving What Is by Byron Katie

  15. Sue Whorlow Avatar
    Sue Whorlow

    The Journey Home, Autobiography of an American Swami, Radhanath Swami

  16. The Prophet
    The Secret
    And all of the above

  17. Louise Hay "you Can Heal Your Life".

  18. Hemraj Thoke Avatar
    Hemraj Thoke


  19. The power of now should be at the top as you sit here and read each word I type you momentarily enter the present moment and find peace. That's what the words from his book pointed out to me. There were very interesting others too.

  20. Frances Sims Avatar
    Frances Sims

    Have you reviewed The Twelve Lessons by Kate Spencer? I've heard it's very good.

  21. Marianne Colley Avatar
    Marianne Colley

    “This book will change your life”

    It does and is superb

  22. Sachin Bhatheja Avatar
    Sachin Bhatheja

    Great efforts

  23. rupali Avatar

    thanks a lot… i hv read some of them, and i think this list is very important for me… Thank you…

    1. You’re very welcome. Have a wonderful day and Shine ON!

  24. Sridhar Avatar

    Nothing else like 7habbits of highly effective people..it is one book that can influence the fundamental change… With out inclusion of the book name the list is incomplete.

  25. Tammy Berhiet Savely Avatar
    Tammy Berhiet Savely

    A new earth
    Eckhart Tolle

  26. Become a better you by Joel Osteen

  27. The game of life and how to play it by Florence sovel-shinn

  28. Beth Usic Avatar
    Beth Usic


  29. Khalil Gibran- The Prophet
    Anything by Joel Olsteen

  30. Norma Leger Avatar
    Norma Leger

    Also Louise L. Hay – You Can Heal Your Life and many of her other books.

  31. Christine Zaffuto Avatar
    Christine Zaffuto

    Anything by Dr. Wayne Dyer, one of his best is you'll see it when you believe it, and my all time fav what do you really want for your children.

  32. Amit Srivastav Avatar
    Amit Srivastav

    I really like the list that you mentioned…I’ve read few of them but surely gonna read the rest of it. Moreover I’m writing a self-help book so once it’d be completed, I’d be glad to see that in the list too. 😛


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