Search results for: “creativity”

  • Psychology Explains the Link Between Empathy and Creativity

    Psychology Explains the Link Between Empathy and Creativity

    Researchers explain why empathetic people are often creative – and vice versa New research suggests that a previously unnamed type of empathy may exist – creative empathy. An article from PsyPost discusses a series of studies published in the Creativity Research Journal exploring the relationship between being empathetic and creative. It suggests that these are interconnected…

  • How Daily Routines Can Hurt Creativity

    How Daily Routines Can Hurt Creativity

    Have you ever been in a rut? Do you feel unsatisfied with your routines? If you answered “yes,” it probably means your daily schedule doesn’t allow for even an ounce of creative or spontaneous thoughts in your mind. Why do routines lead to monotony? Can you get out of the rut? Read on to discover…

  • UK Study Connects Teaching Empathy to Increased Creativity in Kids

    UK Study Connects Teaching Empathy to Increased Creativity in Kids

    In a new UK study, researchers have found that teaching empathy to kids enhances their creativity. The findings came from a one-year University of Cambridge study with Design and Technology (D&T) year 9 students (ages 13-14). The research involved students at two different London schools. Those at one school followed lessons from the curriculum while…

  • 10 Ways to Unlock Your Creativity

    10 Ways to Unlock Your Creativity

    Most people would describe creativity something to do with creating art when the real definition of creativity is using the imagination or developing original ideas. Everyone can be creative as long as they give themselves time to think freely and let their imagination take center stage. This is often easier said than done, in a…

  • What Good Habits Keep Couples Happy?

    What Good Habits Keep Couples Happy?

    Happy couples make things look easy (even when they face challenges). Happiness with your partner is not just a destination; it’s a daily path. But what keeps this path fresh and exciting? We sprinkle the little habits, shared moments, and sparks of joy throughout our daily lives. Whether couples are flushing with new love or…

  • 15 Things More Important Than Money

    15 Things More Important Than Money

    Despite what some believe, money can’t buy you everything. In a world where success is often measured in dollar signs, it’s easy to believe that money is the ultimate key to happiness in life. This common perception paints a picture of wealth bringing unlimited joy, comfort, and fulfillment. We see carefully curated stories all across…