Tag: anal cancer

  • 9 Hidden Signs of Colon Cancer Most People Ignore

    9 Hidden Signs of Colon Cancer Most People Ignore

    Signs of colon cancer can be confusing because common ailments can indicate other issues. You might not realize that your body is signaling a life-threatening condition. It often leads to ignoring the signs of colorectal cancer, but it’s always best to contact a health professional to be safe. Even if you believe your symptoms aren’t…

  • 8 Signs of Anal Cancer Never to Ignore

    8 Signs of Anal Cancer Never to Ignore

    While anal cancer is relatively rare, new cases are on the rise. According to the American Cancer Society, cancer of the anus occurs almost twice as often in women as men. In 2022 so far, there have been about 9,440 new cases (3,150 in men and 6,290 in women). Anal cancer typically doesn’t appear in…