Tag: authentic people

  • 15 Red Flags of a Fake Person

    15 Red Flags of a Fake Person

    Here’s how you can spot fake people. In a world where connections can be as fleeting as a quick swipe across a screen, the value of authentic relationships has never been more pronounced. Genuine relationships provide a foundation of trust and understanding that enriches our lives, promoting well-being and emotional security. However, not all people…

  • 10 Things Phony People Say to Appear Trustworthy

    10 Things Phony People Say to Appear Trustworthy

    Here’s how fake people have a way of gaining unearned trust. Have you ever met someone who seemed too good to be true? Chances are, you’ve encountered phony people trying to appear more trustworthy than they actually are.  We live in a world where first impressions matter. Worse yet, social media can craft any narrative,…

  • 5 Behaviors That Reveal Someone With Toxic Positivity

    5 Behaviors That Reveal Someone With Toxic Positivity

    Toxic positivity is an excessive and ineffective overgeneralizing of positive thinking. It is the belief that one should always have positive thoughts and emotions and that anything less is unacceptable. This thinking can lead to individuals suppressing negative emotions and not allowing themselves to process and cope with difficult experiences fully. As a result, toxic…

  • 17 Signs You’re with a Sincere Woman

    17 Signs You’re with a Sincere Woman

    Finding a sincere woman is one of the most essential traits in a new romantic relationship. Sincerity towards her career, goals, and overall life shows her priorities and that she’s capable of a long-term thought process. Plus, the signs that you’re with a genuine person show if you can be with someone for the long…

  • 22 Things an Authentic Person Will Do Without Realizing It

    22 Things an Authentic Person Will Do Without Realizing It

    It’s believed that fake people have an unrealistic perception of the world, while authentic people see things realistically. They know there’s good and evil, but they find contentment within themselves no matter what’s happening around them. The fake folks tend to be like the bubble of soap that bursts when the sun shines. However, the…

  • You Might Be Spiritually Awake If…

    You Might Be Spiritually Awake If…

    Being spiritually awake can be a couple of different things. It is sometimes referred to as spiritual wakefulness or enlightenment, as well. The first clue that you might be spiritually awake is that things seem different in the world around you. There are other signs of spiritual wakefulness, too, though. Enlightenment isn’t something that happens…