Tag: autistic people

  • 7 Hidden Signs of Autism in Adults

    7 Hidden Signs of Autism in Adults

    Here’s what it looks like when adults have ASD. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in adults often remains a hidden chapter in the narrative of many lives. Much attention is given to diagnosing and understanding autism in children. But adult autism can be a silent challenge, impacting every facet of life. Recognizing these signs is not…

  • Scientists Discover a New Link Between Autism and Sound Sensitivity

    Scientists Discover a New Link Between Autism and Sound Sensitivity

    Surprisingly, zebrafish have been helping scientists to decode the connection between autism and sound sensitivity. For the study, the Queensland Brain Institute’s Associate Professor Ethan Scott and Dr. Lena Constantin compared genetic mutations in humans and zebrafish. They took fish with the same genetic makeup as humans with Fragile X syndrome and autism. When they…

  • Things I Wish People Knew About Autism

    Things I Wish People Knew About Autism

    When you think of individuals with autism, you might have the impression that these people cannot succeed in life or in the classroom. You might have the image of a strange person who engages in repetitive behaviors and speech. These hurtful misconceptions make life much more difficult for people on the autism spectrum. Autism is much more…

  • 5 Things People Get Wrong About People With Autism

    5 Things People Get Wrong About People With Autism

    For all the “awareness” campaigns flooding our social media, there’s still an astonishing amount of well-intended but incorrect or even harmful misinformation circulating about the experience and behaviors of autism. Are autistic people a code to be de-mystified? Are our behaviors strange and irrational? How can we connect with you? There should be a brief…