Tag: autistic woman

  • 7 Hidden Signs of Autism in Adults

    7 Hidden Signs of Autism in Adults

    Here’s what it looks like when adults have ASD. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in adults often remains a hidden chapter in the narrative of many lives. Much attention is given to diagnosing and understanding autism in children. But adult autism can be a silent challenge, impacting every facet of life. Recognizing these signs is not…

  • Non-Verbal Autistic Valedictorian Urges Classmates to Use Their Voices

    Non-Verbal Autistic Valedictorian Urges Classmates to Use Their Voices

    In an inspiring graduation speech, a non-verbal autistic valedictorian encouraged her fellow graduates to “be the light” in this world. She hasn’t spoken since the age of ffiteen months, but learning to type allows her to communicate. On May 8, 2022, 24-year-old Elizabeth Bonker delivered her powerful commencement speech using a unique text-to-speech computer program.…