Tag: avoid these hurtful phrases

  • Psychologists Reveal 7 Phrases That Hurt Relationships

    Psychologists Reveal 7 Phrases That Hurt Relationships

    Specific phrases can damage relationships if a partner repeats them too. In every relationship, kind, loving words should always exceed negative language and insults. Couples will have arguments occasionally, but they should still treat one another with respect and care. In the heat of the moment, people sometimes say things they don’t mean, which can…

  • 12 Phrases Never to Say to Your Partner

    12 Phrases Never to Say to Your Partner

    Having a healthy relationship requires going through some hard times, but it doesn’t involve saying hurtful things. You might have arguments with your romantic partner, but it shouldn’t cross the line into accusations. Saying harmful things to one another can interfere with your relationship and well-being. Healthy relationships need more positivity than negativity. Each hurtful…

  • 10 Things Never to Say to Someone with Low Self-Esteem

    10 Things Never to Say to Someone with Low Self-Esteem

    If you know someone with low self-esteem, you likely want insight into what you can say that isn’t hurtful. Saying the wrong thing can harm their well-being, even when you don’t intend it that way. Sometimes knowing what you should never say to them is more beneficial. Many people think that low self-esteem only requires…