Tag: be flexible

  • 3 Stretches to Avoid Soft Tissue Injury

    3 Stretches to Avoid Soft Tissue Injury

    Stretches can help increase flexibility and reduce the chances of injury following a workout. Did you know soft tissue injuries are the most common injury in sports? Athletes often complain about sprains and strains of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. That’s because these body regions are vulnerable to contusions caused by sudden trauma such as…

  • 12 Habits a Content Person Does Without Realizing It

    12 Habits a Content Person Does Without Realizing It

    Would you classify yourself as a content person, or do you need some work in this department? The very definition of being content means that you’re satisfied and have what you need in life. The natural drive of folks in this country is to have more, so it’s hard to find many who can say…

  • 4 Ways To Find Your Purpose in Life

    4 Ways To Find Your Purpose in Life

    For many, the ability to live life to the fullest hinges on the ability to find and carry out a purpose. Life becomes more meaningful for many individuals when they discover a purpose in life! While finding a purpose and fulfilling it shouldn’t be the defining feature of your life, there’s no denying that successfully…