Tag: behaviors reveal passive-aggressive

  • 15 Phrases That Reveal Passive Aggressive Behavior

    15 Phrases That Reveal Passive Aggressive Behavior

    Watch for these words that reveal passive-aggression. Have you ever been in a situation where someone’s words didn’t quite match the tone they used or the context they were in? You may have encountered phrases that left you uneasy, even though they sounded polite. That confusing response is passive-aggressive behavior. Passive aggression is a negative…

  • 7 Behaviors of a Vulnerable Narcissist

    7 Behaviors of a Vulnerable Narcissist

    A vulnerable narcissist differs from an overt narcissist because they’re not as attention-seeking or arrogant. They still have the main characteristics of someone with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) but covertly display them. The vulnerable narcissist usually struggles with low self-esteem and comes across as shy and reserved. Instead of claiming the spotlight, covert narcissists may…

  • 10 Red Flags That Reveal Passive-Aggressive Behavior

    10 Red Flags That Reveal Passive-Aggressive Behavior

    Passive-aggressive behavior is something that you or anyone else will undoubtedly use at some point in your life. However, when you make these manners part of your regular conduct, it’s a cause for alarm. Being in a relationship with this type of narcissist is no picnic, and you will undoubtedly play into their many games…