Tag: better intuition

  • 5 Self Care Tips for Highly Intuitive People

    5 Self Care Tips for Highly Intuitive People

    Highly intuitive people absorb everything in their environment like a sponge and can easily read people’s energy. They have an innate ability to know things before they happen, almost as if they’re channeling a higher frequency. Their incredible intuition allows them to experience life on a deeper level than most people. Some would describe them…

  • You Might Be Spiritually Awake If…

    You Might Be Spiritually Awake If…

    Being spiritually awake can be a couple of different things. It is sometimes referred to as spiritual wakefulness or enlightenment, as well. The first clue that you might be spiritually awake is that things seem different in the world around you. There are other signs of spiritual wakefulness, too, though. Enlightenment isn’t something that happens…