Tag: brain training

  • How to Train Your Brain to Feel Good Enough 

    How to Train Your Brain to Feel Good Enough 

    Imagine when you were experiencing emotional distress from something that went wrong in your life. Did you feel like your entire world had fallen to pieces? Do you think these self-degrading thoughts regularly? If this is a familiar feeling for you, it may not be surprising for many people because they don’t give themselves grace…

  • 15 Offline Activities To Help Train Children’s Brains

    15 Offline Activities To Help Train Children’s Brains

    If you’re like most parents in this country, you encourage your children to do more offline activities. Technology has dampened creative abilities as well as robbed this generation of spending time in the great outdoors. However, as a parent, you want them to use their brain and enhance their playtime without being hooked to WIFI.…

  • 5 Causes of Cognitive Impairment (And How to Manage It)

    5 Causes of Cognitive Impairment (And How to Manage It)

    Cognitive impairment is the slow and steady deterioration of someone’s mental function and faculty. This can involve difficulty in learning new things, making decisions, memory, and concentration. The severity of impairment differs from person to person. The most severe cases can cause someone to lose their ability to speak, write, or take care of themselves.…

  • 5 Memory Exercises That Boost Your Brain Power

    5 Memory Exercises That Boost Your Brain Power

    [dropcap]M[/dropcap]ost people think their ability to remember things is static – either you are good at it or you aren’t. Well, the good news is memory can be improved. Building your memory is like any skill you develop, it takes some effort and continual practice. This next statement might seem obvious, but your memory is…

  • 3 Ways to Be More Compassionate

    3 Ways to Be More Compassionate

    “Love and compassion are necessities. Without them humanity cannot survive.” – Dalai Lama [dropcap]A[/dropcap]s children, hate, violence, apathy, and greed were as foreign to us as having to pay bills just to survive. We played with other children on our street, helped one another when we tripped and fell.. Indeed, we really had no idea…