Tag: bruising

  • 9 Signs of Lipedema (and How to Fix It)

    9 Signs of Lipedema (and How to Fix It)

    Recognizing the signs of lipedema and knowing potential treatments can help affected individuals manage this condition more effectively. It isn’t always easy to handle, but the right information can encourage you to lead a fulfilling life. Lipedema is a chronic condition involving asymmetrical fat tissue build-up in your arms and legs. This condition is common…

  • 17 Reasons for Skin Bruising Never to Ignore

    17 Reasons for Skin Bruising Never to Ignore

    There are many reasons for skin bruising. Falls, bumping into things, or other minor injuries are usually the cause. Most of the time, bruises are harmless, but they can signify that you have a health problem. If you notice bruising on your skin for no reason or change how often you’re bruising, don’t ignore it.…

  • 10 Signs Your Body Sends You When Something May Be Wrong

    10 Signs Your Body Sends You When Something May Be Wrong

    Strange cravings and weird sensations all over your body are symptoms that could indicate a health problem. It could be your body trying to tell you something is wrong. Of course, you know your body the best. When you see something amiss, do not ignore the symptoms–especially if they persist for several days. The symptoms…