Tag: can money buy happiness

  • 15 Things More Important Than Money

    15 Things More Important Than Money

    Despite what some believe, money can’t buy you everything. In a world where success is often measured in dollar signs, it’s easy to believe that money is the ultimate key to happiness in life. This common perception paints a picture of wealth bringing unlimited joy, comfort, and fulfillment. We see carefully curated stories all across…

  • Researchers Explain How Money CAN Buy You Happiness…

    Researchers Explain How Money CAN Buy You Happiness…

    “Despite rising incomes, people around the world are feeling increasingly pressed for time, undermining well-being. We show that the time famine of modern life can be reduced by using money to buy time.” – Whillans, et al., “Buying time promotes happiness” “I have some money, now what?” Think about this question: What if someone came…