Tag: causes of pimples

  • 20 Skincare Tips to Prevent Pimples

    20 Skincare Tips to Prevent Pimples

    A pimple is an inflamed blemish in a blocked pore on the surface layer of your skin. Acne spots can appear red or with spots of white (whiteheads) or black (blackheads). These unsightly bumps occur because of an overproduction of oil and bacteria buildup. Pimples show up on your face, chest, neck, and shoulders because…

  • 5 Problems In Your Body That Cause Pimples

    5 Problems In Your Body That Cause Pimples

    There’s nothing worse than an unsightly zit, and why is it that pimples happen at the most inopportune times? These ugly blemishes pop up out of nowhere, and they leave you feeling embarrassed and self-conscious. Pimples are thought of as a problem that only plagues teenagers, but they can affect anyone at any age. There…