Tag: concealed depression

  • 7 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Is Silently Depressed

    7 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Is Silently Depressed

    Do think you might be depressed? Depression affects millions of people worldwide, and this number only seems to be growing. The World Health Organization puts the number of people who are depressed at around 280 million. However, this number only represents the people actually diagnosed. Those who suffer silently and choose not to get help…

  • 7 Signs of Concealed Depression

    7 Signs of Concealed Depression

    Concealed depression can strike anyone at any given time, but many people keep their feelings hidden. Someone you know could be falling apart inside, but they might appear tough on the outside, so they don’t feel like a burden to loved ones or cause themselves any embarrassment. Depression affects approximately 264 million people of all ages…