Tag: conversation starters for introverts

  • 12 Proven Dating Tips For Introverts

    12 Proven Dating Tips For Introverts

    If you’re shy or someone with an INFJ personality, you know all too well the challenges that come with this personality type, especially in the realm of dating. However, this does not mean you’re destined to spend your life being single, but it does mean you have to find coping mechanisms to get you through…

  • 10 Conversation Starters For Introverts

    10 Conversation Starters For Introverts

    Introvert: (psychology) a person who tends to shrink from social contacts and to become preoccupied with their own thoughts.  – vocabulary.com While introverts draw their energy from internal sources, this doesn’t mean they all have a deep loathing for people. In fact, many of them do enjoy the company of (certain) people. But what makes…