Tag: creative brain

  • Psychology Explains the Link Between Empathy and Creativity

    Psychology Explains the Link Between Empathy and Creativity

    Researchers explain why empathetic people are often creative – and vice versa New research suggests that a previously unnamed type of empathy may exist – creative empathy. An article from PsyPost discusses a series of studies published in the Creativity Research Journal exploring the relationship between being empathetic and creative. It suggests that these are interconnected…

  • 5 Ways to Tap Into Your Unexplored Imagination

    5 Ways to Tap Into Your Unexplored Imagination

    Can you recall when you were working tirelessly on something and couldn’t complete it? Or were you trying to write something and had difficulty figuring out how to begin? Something was missing, and you couldn’t connect the dots. You might need a dose of imagination and creativity to find a different solution. Imagination comes in…

  • Neuroscientist Explains Five Secrets of the Creative Brain

    Neuroscientist Explains Five Secrets of the Creative Brain

    Attributes of the Highly Creative Highly creative people, or “creatives,” are perhaps among the most enigmatic people in existence. For hundreds of years, we’ve attempted – and mostly failed – to understand the likes of DaVinci, Mozart, Einstein, Michelangelo, and others. Despite these years of fascination, “gifted” seems the only trait which we laypeople universally…