Tag: crystals to remove negative energy

  • Time-Honored Ways to Open Your Heart Chakra

    Time-Honored Ways to Open Your Heart Chakra

    Your heart chakra is located in the center of your chest, and it works with your heart, lungs, thymus gland, and cardiac plexus. But how open your heart chakra when it’s closed off to others? Each chakra is characterized by a different color and frequency, and the heart chakra connects the other six chakras. It…

  • 5 Gemstones That Clear Negative Energy

    5 Gemstones That Clear Negative Energy

    Ancient cultures used crystals and stones for healing a variety of physical and mental ailments. And many cultures today still rely on them in today’s hectic modern world. Even if you’re skeptic about crystal healing, giving it a try will never hurt. Indeed, it’s perfectly safe and incredibly therapeutic. There are a variety of stones…