Tag: disrespecting

  • 10 Things Successful People Do To Earn Respect

    10 Things Successful People Do To Earn Respect

    Have you ever wondered why you can’t “give” respect? It’s because this vital element of human nature must be earned. This is a life-long process that includes honesty, integrity, and offering mutual admiration. How do you feel when other people disrespect you? It makes you upset, angry, and maybe a little bitter. We all value…

  • 10 Signs You’re Disrespecting Yourself

    10 Signs You’re Disrespecting Yourself

    Are you disrespecting yourself? The relationship rules that exist are just as important for our relationships with ourselves as they are for our relationships with others. Trusting, listening, communicating and most of all respecting ourselves is important to living in our truth. You can’t be the best version of you without giving yourself the same…