Tag: don’t worry

  • How to Release Worry (in Under 5 Minutes)

    How to Release Worry (in Under 5 Minutes)

    Here are five easy techniques to stop worrying. In a fast-paced, rapid-fire, fast-changing society, the sensation of worry has entrenched itself as a constant presence in the lives of countless individuals. But what causes worrying? The relentless pace of technological advancements, the pressures of social media, and the demands of balancing personal and professional lives…

  • 15 Ways to Train Your Brain to Stop Worry

    15 Ways to Train Your Brain to Stop Worry

    Do you worry all the time? And about everything? Then, it likely interferes with the quality of your daily life. Everyone worries from time to time. Finances, work, family, and even social gatherings can cause a  certain level of distress. But if worry is your constant companion, you need to figure out how to say…