Tag: earthing

  • 9 People Who Healed Their Anxiety With Nature

    9 People Who Healed Their Anxiety With Nature

    We don’t get near enough nature time in the civilized world we live in. Sure, modern society offers plenty of benefits, such as running water and electricity, but removing ourselves from our natural environment has brought on some devastating effects as well. For example, mental illnesses are increasing rapidly, our soil is being depleted of…

  • 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Walking Barefoot

    10 Surprising Health Benefits of Walking Barefoot

    Also called “earthing” or “grounding,” the simple act of walking barefoot offers so many benefits that often get overlooked by mainstream society pushing the importance of wearing shoes at all times. According to Dr. Mercola, walking with your feet directly touching the soil allows your body to absorb negative electrons through the Earth, which helps…