Tag: empathy habits

  • 25 Empathy Phrases to Be More Supportive

    25 Empathy Phrases to Be More Supportive

    Here’s how you can be more empathetic to those who need comforting. Digital connections are fast replacing face-to-face interactions. As a result, the art of empathy has never been more crucial. Empathy, the capacity to understand the feelings of another, is a cornerstone of strong, supportive relationships. Whether you’re comforting a friend, offering support to…

  • Psychology Explains the Link Between Empathy and Creativity

    Psychology Explains the Link Between Empathy and Creativity

    Researchers explain why empathetic people are often creative – and vice versa New research suggests that a previously unnamed type of empathy may exist – creative empathy. An article from PsyPost discusses a series of studies published in the Creativity Research Journal exploring the relationship between being empathetic and creative. It suggests that these are interconnected…

  • 12 Behaviors Empathetic People Display Often

    12 Behaviors Empathetic People Display Often

    Have you ever experienced loss or trauma, and somebody told you that they feel for you? Although most people can relate to the shared human condition, some have a natural gift for empathy. If you have some of the traits of the most empathetic people, you understand well. Sympathy vs. Empathy It’s a common mistake…