Tag: female health

  • 20 Things Every Woman Should Stop Doing in Her Relationship

    20 Things Every Woman Should Stop Doing in Her Relationship

    Everyone knows that relationships are hard and take a lot of work. So that means that people are bound to make some mistakes. That said, there’s no reason for some unhealthy behaviors to be disguised as someone being concerned or trying their best. Some women make the same mistakes in relationships while trying to convince…

  • 10 Menopause Self Care Tips Never to Ignore

    10 Menopause Self Care Tips Never to Ignore

    Going through menopause can be an incredibly difficult challenge, so it’s essential to observe some menopause self care tips. From the hot flashes to the loss of skin elasticity, and even the anxiety that comes along with everything, it can feel like your whole life is changing involuntarily. It may leave you wondering what your…

  • 25 Things Every Woman Should Know About Her Health

    25 Things Every Woman Should Know About Her Health

    Women may be more likely to put themselves second or third to their children, spouse, or work, but they take their health seriously.  That said, there may be some check-ups or daily health habits that you are putting off.  Staying healthy isn’t just about going to the doctor.  How you handle stress, eat, exercise, hydrate,…

  • 11 Signs You Have Estrogen Dominance

    11 Signs You Have Estrogen Dominance

    What is Estrogen dominance? Our hormones control nearly every function within the body. As such, we need a balanced hormonal system if we want good health. Simply, you can think of hormones as tiny chemical messengers that relay bits of information between cells, organs, and system.  Hormones also influence how we interpret and experience emotions.…