Tag: fibromyalgia

  • 10 Signs of Fibromyalgia to Never Ignore

    10 Signs of Fibromyalgia to Never Ignore

    Fibromyalgia is a long-lasting condition best known for causing widespread muscle pain or weakness throughout the body. It also causes other issues, including fatigue and cognitive problems, amongst many other symptoms. The signs of fibromyalgia interfere with your ability to function at work or home, and it’s often a misunderstood issue. Research shows that women…

  • 15 Things That Cause Muscle Fatigue and Soreness

    15 Things That Cause Muscle Fatigue and Soreness

    There’re few things as painful as muscle fatigue and soreness. Have you ever spent the day working out at the gym and feeling great, only to feel intense pain the next day from working your muscles too hard? Your musculoskeletal system controls things like your movements, posture, and balance, so it’s no wonder when you…

  • 10 Foods That Are Bad For Fibromyalgia

    10 Foods That Are Bad For Fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder that manifests as widespread body pain and fatigue. If you suffer from this, you may also experience sleep disturbance and diminished cognitive abilities. Doctors have not yet found the disease’s actual cause, but it might have links to genetics and certain illnesses. Some foods may also trigger fibromyalgia. Below are…

  • 10 Signs Of Fibromyalgia Never to Ignore

    10 Signs Of Fibromyalgia Never to Ignore

    Fibromyalgia is a particularly distressing condition that can affect someone mentally and physically. Upon awakening, someone with fibromyalgia commonly experiences a rapid onset of fatigue when attempting to move their body. The severe mental and physical complications of fibromyalgia can make one’s daily routine a difficult path to navigate. Before delving into the signs of…