Tag: first date

  • 17 Flirting Fails That Never Ever Work

    17 Flirting Fails That Never Ever Work

    Some flirting methods don’t work, and people keep using them anyway. The techniques might send mixed signals or push potential partners away altogether. When you like someone, you might be unsure how to interact with them. Being face-to-face leads to coming up with flirting techniques quickly, without much time to think them through. Everyone makes…

  • 7 First Date Warning Signs Never to Ignore

    7 First Date Warning Signs Never to Ignore

    Going on a first date is an exciting, nerve-wreaking experience. However, it’s easy to get caught up in your nervousness that you don’t think to watch for red flags. You likely have a few you notice immediately (like a self-absorbed person). But what about the less obvious things that reveal a toxic person? Going on…

  • 7 Signs It Won’t Get Past The First Date

    7 Signs It Won’t Get Past The First Date

    Our high expectations for potential love at first sight are one reason there’s pressure on a first date, but there are at least 7 signs that this potential partner clearly won’t give you the love you deserve. We have a lot of expectations on a first date. Researchers studying peoples expectations for a first date…