Tag: foods that reduce anxiety

  • Nutritionists Explain 9 Foods That May Contribute To Anxiety

    Nutritionists Explain 9 Foods That May Contribute To Anxiety

    Do you eat foods that might contribute to anxiety? Anxiety is a state of excessive nervousness, worry, and similar emotional distress. In moderation, there’s nothing inherently wrong with experiencing anxiety. But when it becomes chronic, you may develop an anxiety disorder that changes the way your brain handles stress and nerve-wracking situations, or even how…

  • Eating This ONE Food Can Help Calm Anxiety

    Eating This ONE Food Can Help Calm Anxiety

    According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, approximately 40 million Americans suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder. And worldwide, anxiety afflicts 1 in 13 people, according to the Global Burden of Disease study. The numbers only seem to be growing. Moreover, people want to find alternative remedies rather than relying on pharmaceutical…