Tag: foods to boost immune system

  • Science Explains 10 Healthy Reasons to Eat Ghee

    Science Explains 10 Healthy Reasons to Eat Ghee

    If you are an enthusiast of Indian-inspired cuisine, you probably recognize one of the main ingredients called ghee. It’s an ever-present condiment in Indian homes and is often referred to as “liquid gold.” Did you know that this classic butter product can offer you several health benefits? Anthropologists say that early humans first were nomadic…

  • 22 Foods That Boost Your Immune System

    22 Foods That Boost Your Immune System

    Are you a victim of frequent cold and flu, nausea, and general body weakness? This is a sign that you have a weak immune body system. A weak immune body system makes you more susceptible to opportunistic infections, and this interferes with your daily life and routine making you less productive. Fortunately, you can learn…