Tag: how to cure adhd with nutrition

  • Science Explains 9 Deficiencies That Make ADHD Worse

    Science Explains 9 Deficiencies That Make ADHD Worse

    What you eat to nourish your body has a direct impact in your brain. If you or someone you love suffer from attention deficit hypersensitivity disorder (ADHD), managing this condition through a good and balanced diet can do wonders. Some nutrient deficiencies may make the symptoms of ADHD worse. Here are some vitamins and minerals…

  • Researchers Reveal 8 Nutrients That Reverse ADHD Symptoms

    Researchers Reveal 8 Nutrients That Reverse ADHD Symptoms

    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is one of the most common childhood neurodevelopmental disorders in the Western world. Neuropsychiatric disorder causes symptoms such as inattentiveness, impulsivity, hyperactivity, and disorganization. Children diagnosed with the condition may have conduct problems in the classroom, such as interrupting the teacher or getting up from their seats. Nearly twice as…