Tag: how to not underestimate myself

  • 10 Signs You Underestimate Yourself

    10 Signs You Underestimate Yourself

    Underestimating yourself can make you miss out on rare opportunities in life because of self-doubt. Self-doubt and low self-esteem cause you to withdraw from life in general, and this can lead to depression and other serious mental health problems. When you underestimate your worth, other people will only see what you see. Therefore, your relationships…

  • 10 Signs You’re Underestimating Yourself

    10 Signs You’re Underestimating Yourself

    What does it mean to underestimate yourself? Put simply, one who underestimates themselves believes that they’re not enough. Underestimating yourself is the antonym of overestimating yourself – a.k.a. having over-confidence. Underestimate:  “to estimate something to be smaller or less important than it actually is.” Synonyms: lowball, underappreciate, underrate, undervalue ~ Oxford University Press (source) Besides…

  • 5 Signs You’re Underestimating Yourself

    5 Signs You’re Underestimating Yourself

    Many times in life, other people try to squash our confidence and make us feel inadequate. However, no one can make us feel this way unless we let them, which means only our thoughts about ourselves matter. More often than not, we are underestimating ourselves! It is our own voices trying to manipulate us into…