Tag: how to overcome sugar addiction

  • 7 Ways to Beat A Sugar Addiction

    7 Ways to Beat A Sugar Addiction

    It’s no secret that many people today suffer from sugar addictions and their subsequent weight gain. But can you blame people for loving sugar when almost every food contains it in some form? Even if you renounce sweets, you may inadvertently eat hidden sources of sugar in packaged or processed foods. For instance, honey, brown…

  • 10 Day Sugar Detox (To Reset Your Mind And Body)

    10 Day Sugar Detox (To Reset Your Mind And Body)

    Sugar is most certainly an addictive substance – up to eight times as “addictive” as cocaine; only sugar is not an “emotional addiction,” but a biological one. Those who consume sugar at disproportionately high levels alter the brain’s mechanisms of pleasure and reward. Practically-speaking, they may reach for a stashed soda or candy bar without…