Tag: invention

  • 5 Mysteries Science Just Can’t Explain

    5 Mysteries Science Just Can’t Explain

    Here’s a well-deserved nod to science. Scientific advances have improved every notable aspect of human existence. Of course, these range from our health and lifespan to air travel to the 5-inch computers we can fit in our pocket. “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the Mysterious.” – Albert Einstein But, as incredible as…

  • This Simple Little Invention Will Save MILLIONS Of Lives

    This Simple Little Invention Will Save MILLIONS Of Lives

    This only little invention could save millions of lives! Did you know that worldwide, around 780 million people don’t have access to clean drinking water? That equates to a staggering 11% of the world’s population. Also, according to the CDC, lack of access to sanitation, unsafe drinking water, and lack of availability of clean water…