Tag: let go of childhood trauma

  • Counselors Explain How to Heal Early Trauma

    Counselors Explain How to Heal Early Trauma

    Early trauma is a pervasive problem affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Traumatic childhood experiences of neglect, abuse, violence, or losing a loved one can leave deep emotional wounds. These wounds often persist into adulthood. Early trauma can significantly impact a person’s development and affect their relationships, emotions, and behavior. It can lead to various mental…

  • 4 Ways To Begin Healing From Childhood Trauma

    4 Ways To Begin Healing From Childhood Trauma

    Childhood trauma refers to a long-term damaging effect on your mind and body due to something psychologically or physically distressing as a child. It is a response born out of an inability to cope with harrowing and difficult circumstances. Many forms of trauma originate in youth. When not dealt with, these kinds of trauma can…