Tag: liver damage

  • Science Explains How Marijuana Can Prevent Liver Damage From Alcohol

    Science Explains How Marijuana Can Prevent Liver Damage From Alcohol

    As of March 2019, 15 states plus the District of Columbia have maintained laws to keep marijuana illegal.  The rest have legalized marijuana for mostly medical use, but some states allow recreational use.  Marijuana has several “claims to fame” for its medical use. This includes use as pain treatment, for seizures, and for nausea related…

  • Scientists Explain 9 Ways to Heal Liver Damage

    Scientists Explain 9 Ways to Heal Liver Damage

    It is estimated that there are over 100 types of liver disease. The Mayo Clinic states, “Liver disease can be inherited (genetic) or caused by a variety of factors that damage the liver, such as viruses and alcohol use.” Obesity is also linked to increased risk of liver damage. According to the World Gastroenterology Organization,…

  • 7 Signs Of Liver Damage

    7 Signs Of Liver Damage

    Liver damage is a significant health risk. But before we look at why, let’s open with a discussion of exactly what this vital organ does. A properly functioning liver performs these functions: Cleanses blood by metabolizing alcohol, drugs (prescription and recreational); and neutralizing poisonous substances. Manufactures essential body proteins, including those that prevent blood-clotting, open…