Tag: male behaviors

  • Believing This ONE Thing Makes Men Happier in Relationships

    Believing This ONE Thing Makes Men Happier in Relationships

    Building and maintaining happier relationships can be challenging for anyone, regardless of gender. Men, in particular, may struggle with relationship issues that stem from societal expectations and stereotypes surrounding masculinity. The expectations of masculinity can cause men to feel like they need to be strong, stoic, and independent. Unfortunately, these expectations can lead to men…

  • 40 Things Every Man Should Have by Age 40

    40 Things Every Man Should Have by Age 40

    Every man needs essentials to live the best life possible. Some things are tangible, while others can’t be held or touched. Perhaps it’s something to make the most of your free time, tools that you need for repairs, or they could even be things to help you advance your career. Some guys love the bachelor…

  • 12 Traits of an Unforgettable Man

    12 Traits of an Unforgettable Man

    What makes a man unforgettable? Remember Nat King Cole’s Song of the same title? The 1952 love ballad stirs emotions and makes you think about what makes someone extraordinary. Is it their charm, power, influence, or how they carry themselves when entering a room that makes them so memorable? Many things make you fall in…