Tag: mononucleosis

  • 15 Red Flags That Reveal Mononucleosis

    15 Red Flags That Reveal Mononucleosis

    Mononucleosis is also called “the kissing disease” because it’s transferred by saliva. According to science, the first mention of this condition was in 1889 called glandular fever. It’s caused by either the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or the cytomegalovirus. The most common age group to contract this virus is those between 10-35 years. However, it can…

  • 15 Epstein Barr Symptoms Never to Ignore

    15 Epstein Barr Symptoms Never to Ignore

    There are so many viruses out there that it can be hard to stay away from them all. Everyone probably contracts a virus at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, the Epstein Barr virus is a common one. Keep reading to find out more about this virus and symptoms you shouldn’t ignore. About the Epstein…