Tag: negative comments

  • 12 Phrases Never to Say to Your Partner

    12 Phrases Never to Say to Your Partner

    Having a healthy relationship requires going through some hard times, but it doesn’t involve saying hurtful things. You might have arguments with your romantic partner, but it shouldn’t cross the line into accusations. Saying harmful things to one another can interfere with your relationship and well-being. Healthy relationships need more positivity than negativity. Each hurtful…

  • 14 Signs of Covert Abuse Never to Ignore

    14 Signs of Covert Abuse Never to Ignore

    Covert abuse is a psychological or emotional type of abuse. A covert abuser uses manipulation hidden behind fake empathy and charm. They profess to be your biggest supporter, all the while belittling and shaming you. Their tactics are hidden, so you aren’t clear about what’s going on while they’ll act as if they’re the victim.…

  • 14 Negative Comments Always to Keep to Yourself

    14 Negative Comments Always to Keep to Yourself

    When you’re angry, you might say hurtful or life-destroying things. Even when you don’t mean the words you say, you might hurt someone you care for. Words hurt, especially when they come from someone you love, so limit the negative comments you spew at your loved ones when you’re angry. Once you say something, you…