Tag: NPD

  • 5 Reasons Narcissists Are Attracted to Strong People

    5 Reasons Narcissists Are Attracted to Strong People

    Why does the narcissist crave your strength? Understanding the dynamics of narcissistic relationships can be a complex task. Narcissists, usually characterized by a need for approval and an impaired ability to recognize and comprehend the needs of others, often form relationships with strong people.  One intriguing aspect of these relationships is the attraction narcissists often…

  • Psychology Reveals 10 Signs of NPD Most People Ignore

    Psychology Reveals 10 Signs of NPD Most People Ignore

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a complex and intriguing mental health condition that affects many individuals. Most people are familiar with the stereotypical image of narcissists. Think of an inflated ego and self-centered behavior. But there are additional signs of NPD in relationships that often go unnoticed. Understanding the nuances of this disorder is crucial…

  • 7 Behaviors of a Vulnerable Narcissist

    7 Behaviors of a Vulnerable Narcissist

    A vulnerable narcissist differs from an overt narcissist because they’re not as attention-seeking or arrogant. They still have the main characteristics of someone with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) but covertly display them. The vulnerable narcissist usually struggles with low self-esteem and comes across as shy and reserved. Instead of claiming the spotlight, covert narcissists may…

  • 10 Warning Signs Someone is a High-Functioning Narcissist

    10 Warning Signs Someone is a High-Functioning Narcissist

    Narcissism is a mental health condition involving an unreasonably high sense of importance. A high-functioning narcissist is good at hiding the signs by putting off an air of confidence. Even when they seem confident, they are often unsure of their self-worth and become triggered by criticism. Their behavior affects their relationships, work, finances, and school…

  • Counselor Explains the Misuse of the Word Narcissist

    Counselor Explains the Misuse of the Word Narcissist

    The “narcissist” label gets thrown around often in today’s world. We call people narcissists for taking too many selfies or bragging about their latest achievements. However, this detracts from those who have a clinically diagnosable narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Narcissism exists on a spectrum, and some people have higher levels of the trait than others.…

  • 14 Reasons Why Two Narcissists Often Fall in Love

    14 Reasons Why Two Narcissists Often Fall in Love

    You might think the chances of two narcissists meeting and falling in love are low, but it’s more common than you’d expect. Even still, there’s the question of whether a relationship between two people with narcissistic personality disorder is sustainable or doomed from the start. People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) start their romantic journey…