Tag: older siblings

  • 15 Things That Cause Sibling Estrangement

    15 Things That Cause Sibling Estrangement

    Here’s why sisters and brothers may drift apart. Sibling relationships are complex and multifaceted. They often contain an intriguing blend of love and rivalry. But these disputes generally work out, at least when children live under the parent’s roof. It’s when siblings leave the family home that things usually go awry. Despite familial bonds and…

  • 13 Examples Older Teens Set for Little Siblings

    13 Examples Older Teens Set for Little Siblings

    Older teens set many examples for their younger siblings, and they don’t always realize it. Growing up with brothers or sisters affects your life in ways you might not think of, including socially and emotionally. The things little ones learn from older teens follow them through their life. Younger siblings often want to be like…