Tag: secrets of a happy relationship

  • Believing This ONE Thing Makes Men Happier in Relationships

    Believing This ONE Thing Makes Men Happier in Relationships

    Building and maintaining happier relationships can be challenging for anyone, regardless of gender. Men, in particular, may struggle with relationship issues that stem from societal expectations and stereotypes surrounding masculinity. The expectations of masculinity can cause men to feel like they need to be strong, stoic, and independent. Unfortunately, these expectations can lead to men…

  • Psychology Explains 5 Secrets Of A Happy Relationship

    Psychology Explains 5 Secrets Of A Happy Relationship

    Let’s first talk about what a happy relationship is not, namely perfection. Even as adults, we have a remarkable tendency to stereotype. Let’s elaborate on stereotyping in the context of the “perfect relationship.” (Uh-huh…) Consider the last couple you saw who looked visibly happy – like they knew some well-hidden secret that you didn’t. Sure,…

  • 12 Secret Habits of Happy Couples

    12 Secret Habits of Happy Couples

    Happy couples that stay together for the long-haul work hard to make their relationship last. There’s no “magic bullet” to a lasting relationship, but there are secrets that every couple should know. Every couple that stays together has adopted these secrets and, over time, has developed them into habits. Relationship experts can back it up:…