Tag: signs of possible stroke

  • 8 Reasons A Stroke Happens (That Most People Ignore)

    8 Reasons A Stroke Happens (That Most People Ignore)

    A stroke usually happens unexpectedly, and can be a scary, life threatening event. If the stroke doesn’t cause death, it can cause many other issues that may take a long time to recover from, if recovery is even possible. These issues may include: Loss of muscle movement Complete paralysis Trouble swallowing or talking Memory loss Difficulty thinking…

  • Signs of A Stroke Women Should Never Ignore

    Signs of A Stroke Women Should Never Ignore

    For many women, it can be difficult to predict when their health will decline as they age. Unfortunately, strokes can occur at a moment’s notice and cause long-term disability or death. Knowing the signs and how to decrease stroke risk can save lives, as treatment must begin as soon as possible. There are many different…

  • Prevent A Stroke: 15 Stroke Symptoms to Never Ignore

    Prevent A Stroke: 15 Stroke Symptoms to Never Ignore

    Per Science Daily, around 80 percent of all strokes are preventable. As is the case with every other preventable medical condition, awareness is the key. It is also critical to understand that women often have different stroke symptoms than men, a fact which may help explain why a disproportionate number of female stroke cases are…