Tag: standing desk

  • 12 Ways to Get More Exercise (Without The Gym)

    12 Ways to Get More Exercise (Without The Gym)

    A sedentary lifestyle is unhealthy, but how can you get more exercise when you’re tied to a desk or don’t have time? A scary fact is that a sedentary lifestyle will kill you quicker than heart disease. If you sit for more than six hours each day, including playing video games, working, or watching TV,…

  • 4 Simple Habits Of The Most Healthy People

    4 Simple Habits Of The Most Healthy People

    Have you ever seen someone and been impressed by how healthy they seem? They may not be showy about their “wiser” lifestyle, but it’s obvious that they’re in good health from their fitness, appearance, and clear physical and mental wellbeing. How does anyone become that healthy, especially with all the business that their life may…