Tag: stroke

  • 5 Warning Signs Someone Has Dementia

    5 Warning Signs Someone Has Dementia

    Like most illnesses severely affecting cognitive functioning, dementia is a tragic, gut-wrenching condition. This article will discuss what dementia is (and is not), some warning signs, and treatment methods. “Can I remember exactly when I ‘lost’ my husband? Was it the moment when I had to start tying his shoelaces for him? Or when we…

  • 6 Signs Of A Stroke People Often Ignore

    6 Signs Of A Stroke People Often Ignore

    A stroke happens when a blood vessel in the brain either becomes blocked (Ischemic) or begins bleeding (Hemorrhagic). Each type of stroke can cause severe damage to the brain and even death. Stroke is ranked fifth as a cause of death in the United States. It is also very preventable with exercise, watching your salt…

  • 7 Things You Can Eat To Avoid Heart Problems

    7 Things You Can Eat To Avoid Heart Problems

    Research has shown that eight out of every ten people we know are at risk for heart problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure or stroke. 80 percent…wow. Anyways, as staggering as this number is, it’s a number that can be reduced dramatically. Researchers at Emory University state that over 50% of deaths that occur…