Tag: strong

  • 15 Things Strong Couples Never Do

    15 Things Strong Couples Never Do

    Here’s what makes the strongest relationships work. The strongest couples, who move through life with an enviable ease and connection, share certain habits. Or rather, they have a distinct lack of some. They’ve mastered the art of being together and thriving together. So, what sets these couples apart from the rest? It’s not just about…

  • 5 Promises Strong Men Never Break

    5 Promises Strong Men Never Break

    The idea of what strong men mean has shifted over time. Today, different cultures and societies promote varying characteristics and traits as desirable. For example, in some traditional societies, physical strength and stoicism were essential for men. In modern Western cultures, emotional intelligence and vulnerability are increasingly valued. Despite these differences, a common thread among…

  • If You See Someone With a Lotus Flower Tattoo, This Is What It Means

    If You See Someone With a Lotus Flower Tattoo, This Is What It Means

    Many eastern cultures and religions revere the lotus flower, believing it represents strength and purity. The beautiful flower grows in dense, thick mud and wetlands but thrives despite adversity. Lotus plants root themselves deeply into the earth in the floodplains of stagnant rivers. Then, their long stems push through the muck to reach the surface.…

  • Sensitive People Are Beautiful. . .

    Sensitive People Are Beautiful. . .

    Sometimes, sensitive people appear weak. They give in and they forgive with the same intensity that they love. They feel from the deepest part of their spirit. Besides that, they shed tears without shame, show vulnerability, and usually blame themselves for things that they feel in others. In spite of being hurt, sensitive people still…

  • How to Balance Your Yin and Yang

    How to Balance Your Yin and Yang

    We all have a strong and sensitive side. For some of us, one is much stronger than the other. But, it’s very possible to balance the two and still stay true to who you are. This idea of the strong and sensitive, often referred to as Yin and Yang energies or Male and Female, that…