Tag: traits of creative people

  • 12 Things Only Highly Creative People Will Understand

    12 Things Only Highly Creative People Will Understand

    Highly creative people often feel misplaced in our logical, linear world, as if they must live on the fringes of society just to keep their creative genius alive and well. Creative people feel different for a reason. Research confirms that their brains have structural differences that cause them to think and act uniquely. They operate…

  • 10 Ways to Unlock Your Creativity

    10 Ways to Unlock Your Creativity

    Most people would describe creativity something to do with creating art when the real definition of creativity is using the imagination or developing original ideas. Everyone can be creative as long as they give themselves time to think freely and let their imagination take center stage. This is often easier said than done, in a…

  • 7 Habits of Highly Creative People

    7 Habits of Highly Creative People

    When we talk about creativity, we often think of it as an innate quality: you’re either creative, or you’re not. Those of us who don’t feel creative may lament our deficiency and look longingly at people who naturally seem to have creative spirits. The truth is that creativity is not just a natural talent; it…

  • 25 Things Creative People Do Differently

    25 Things Creative People Do Differently

    While most think of creative people as “right-brained” or artsy, creativity exists within us – even the most logical, linear thinkers. However, some of us have honed our creative sides a little more than others, and we know how to capture and express that imaginative energy. Creative people cover a broad spectrum of personalities, from…