Tag: visions

  • 5 Signs Your Dreams Are About To Come True

    5 Signs Your Dreams Are About To Come True

    Did you know you dream every night? When you sleep, you dream approximately two hours a night, but you don’t remember these nocturnal visions most of the time. You might dream in vivid colors or black and white. Dreaming occurs in all stages of your sleep. However, those you experience during your rapid eye movement…

  • 5 Warning Signs of Early Vision Loss

    5 Warning Signs of Early Vision Loss

    According to Prevent Blindness America, twice as many people will be blind in 2030 as there are today. The projections are based on estimates of self-reported vision impairment from The Lighthouse National Survey on Vision Loss. – Sightconnection.org The prospect of losing one’s vision is an admittedly frightening one. However, unlike many other health conditions, eyesight…