Tag: warning signs of a narcissist

  • 10 Warning Signs Someone is a High-Functioning Narcissist

    10 Warning Signs Someone is a High-Functioning Narcissist

    Narcissism is a mental health condition involving an unreasonably high sense of importance. A high-functioning narcissist is good at hiding the signs by putting off an air of confidence. Even when they seem confident, they are often unsure of their self-worth and become triggered by criticism. Their behavior affects their relationships, work, finances, and school…

  • 5 Signs Someone Is a Pure Narcissist

    5 Signs Someone Is a Pure Narcissist

    Have you ever accused someone of being a narcissist? Have people ever accused you of being a narcissist? If so, you’re in good company. Pretty much everyone has “been” a narcissist at one time or another. Now, before your defense shield goes up, all of us show narcissist tendencies from time to time. Indeed, it can…

  • 8 Signs Of A Narcissist

    8 Signs Of A Narcissist

    As per the Mayo Clinic, the definition of a narcissist is “someone who has an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.” Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) causes many issues in all aspects of a person’s life. It affects work, school, relationships and other matters.…