Tag: why we need to stop bodyshaming

  • 7 Ways to Release Body Shame

    7 Ways to Release Body Shame

    Body shame usually refers to others saying humiliating or critical things about someone’s body. However, bodyshaming can also be self-directed statements if a person feels unconfident or unhappy in their skin. Unfortunately, many people today suffer from low self-esteem because of unrealistic expectations. They see beautifully sculpted, perfect bodies in the media and believe they’re…

  • 5 Reasons To Stop Bodyshaming

    5 Reasons To Stop Bodyshaming

    In our culture today, it seems that far too many people tolerate, or even get behind, the idea of bodyshaming. If you go on YouTube or Google and simply type in “Bodyshaming” or “Fatshaming,” tons of results will pop up. Of course, many of these people speak out against the horrendous habit of bodyshaming, but…