Tag: worry

  • 10 Warning Signs of Emotional Burnout

    10 Warning Signs of Emotional Burnout

    Anyone is prone to emotional burnout, whether it’s your career, homelife, relationships, or caregiving for a loved one. Sometimes, the process is so gradual that you don’t realize it. You may consider burning out as a weakness or failure on your part, but it’s nothing of the sort. These things often happen because you’ve been…

  • 8 Signs Someone Has Eco-Anxiety

    8 Signs Someone Has Eco-Anxiety

    You’re familiar with anxiety disorders, but have you heard of eco-anxiety? It’s a relatively new type of anxiety, first coined in 2017. Indeed, it’s a novel term that the American Psychiatric Association has not yet added to the DSM-5. However, due to the overwhelming amount of folks who live in chronic fear of doom in…

  • 12 Reasons People Live in Fear and 12 Ways to Fix It

    12 Reasons People Live in Fear and 12 Ways to Fix It

    Fear is a primal emotion that evolved as a survival instinct. When you feel fearful, your brain kicks into high gear, and your body prepares to fight, flee, faint, or freeze. But what if this paralyzing emotion is negatively affecting your life? Worrying about everything can put your life on hold. This adverse emotion can…

  • 10 Signs You’re Overthinking Again (and How to Fix It)

    10 Signs You’re Overthinking Again (and How to Fix It)

    Are you an overthinker? It’s normal for you to have a few obsessive thoughts, as you’re only human. Sadly, there comes the point where these intrusive thoughts consume you, and the issue can become chronic. Overthinking is classic for anxiety disorders, and the same part of your brain that gives you the fight or flight…

  • 12 Habits That Stop Overthinking Immediately

    12 Habits That Stop Overthinking Immediately

    Everyone overthinks situations sometimes, but they can usually push it away or move on. Other times, overthinking is all-consuming, plaguing you with constant negative thoughts. You might repeat past conversations in your mind or second-guess every decision you make. Overthinking can cause you to envision disastrous outcomes. You might think of negative words or picture…

  • 10 Differences Between Anxiety and Worrying

    10 Differences Between Anxiety and Worrying

    Many people confuse anxiety and worry, although there are differences between the two. You might think that worrying means you’re anxious, but that’s not the case. Anxiety is more intense and interferes in your life in ways that worrying doesn’t. Statistics from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America show that almost 40 million people…