
9 Signs You Might Be an Empath

What is an empath?

By definition, an empath is a person with the ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual. It comes from the word empathy, which means the intellectual identification, vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. In other words, you might be an empath if you feel others’ emotions or thoughts on a deep level and take them on as your own.

If you have always felt more in tune with the spiritual side of life and what lies beneath the surface, this could mean that you are an empath as well. Empaths can have many different characteristics, but here are the most common ones.

9 Signs You Might Be An Empath

1. You are Highly Intuitive

You can pick up on others’ thoughts, feelings, and emotions without them having to say a word. Perhaps you can even pick up on a person’s intentions, mood, and personality by their body language and overall energy. On some days, you might even feel aches and pains because of a negative occurrence in your town or even thousands of miles away. You can just sense when something is amiss in the world, and often absorb the energies of everything around you without even knowing it.

2. You Take on Other’s Feelings as if They Were Your Own

You can relate to other’s problems and frustrations easily, just as well as their triumphs and accomplishments. Also, you listen intently to others and want to solve their problems or help them celebrate a positive event. More often than not, though, empaths tend to absorb negative energy. They tend to sympathize with people and want to help them overcome problems. However, empaths can take on the problems and feelings of others as their own, which is why they usually feel burdened by all the imbalances in the world. If you wake up every day feeling like you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, you are likely an empath.

3. You Like to Keep Your Feelings to Yourself

Most of the time, empaths can listen to other people talk all day about themselves and their life struggles, but when the tables are turned, empaths usually have difficulty opening up. Since empaths are more inclined to help others with their problems rather than take on their own, they might have a hard time expressing their feelings.

4. You Experience Fatigue

When you absorb other’s energy into your own energy field, you unconsciously carry a lot of energy with you that can drain your own energy levels. If you lead an active lifestyle, but still feel tired often, you might be an empath. Also, fatigue can be attributed to energy vampires or people that feed off your energy, coming to you specifically to exchange their negative energy for your positive energy. If you think you might be an empath, watch out for these types of people who just want to drain you of your own vitality.

5. Strangers Often Share Their Problems With You

Strangers may come up to you at coffee shops or department stores from all walks of life that suddenly start talking about their problems openly and seem to be in great distress. If this has happened to you on multiple occasions, consider yourself an empath. People come to you because they can sense your caring and generous nature, and feel that they can release their pent up frustrations and feelings onto you. They trust you and believe you can help with their problems. Just be careful not to take on their problems as your own.

6. You Have a Strong Interest in Spirituality or Metaphysical Studies

If you have taken an interest in meditation, prayer, positive affirmations, holistic healing, or the many wonders of the universe, this is a huge sign of being an empath. Empaths usually see beyond the limitations of the 3D world around them, taking refuge in peaceful practices such as meditation or yoga. An empath usually wants to know more about the universe and what lies beyond the confines of society as we know it.

7. You Have an Open Mind

Empaths have no problem learning new things about the world, and actively seek out information not found in the mainstream news, movies, or TV shows. They want to learn things considered underground or weird by society as a whole and find the everyday way of living too restrictive and boring. If you got easily distracted or restless in school and always felt like there was so much more out there to learn, you are probably an empath.


8. You Don’t Fit in With the Mainstream

If you are an empath, you have a strong desire to heal and bring this planet back into alignment. You consider the way that normal people live as destructive to your nature and defy any person telling you to live this way. Perhaps you might want to work for yourself in a field that expresses your creativity or desire to heal others.Β  You treat healing with utmost importance, and can’t understand why others choose to participate in destructive behavior. And, of course, you want to live life your way and don’t listen to others who disagree with your opinions on how you should live.

9. You are a Free Spirit

As the point above suggests, you don’t like to be told what to do. You don’t enjoy living by someone else’s guidelines; you live by your own rules. Maybe you never liked rules as a child and would often argue with your parents or teachers. You did not understand the β€œsystem” growing up, and still don’t to this day. Additionally, you enjoy adventure, freedom, and expressing your creativity – you probably have a strong interest in art, music, or writing and have a vivid imagination. You let this imagination take flight and live by the reality in your head rather than the one you see every day.

Are you an empath?Β  Discuss in the conversation below or join in on Facebook!


144 responses to “9 Signs You Might Be an Empath”

  1. How do you no if you are a empath as i alwys get drained round certain people also ive had people send me pictures of them and ive told them about there lives and seen things standing by them i met a guy and he sent me a pic of him and this 1 picture drained my energy and i felt something very dark and heavy behind him

  2. I am very happy to know right now that i ma an empath with these 9 reasons given above . i will plan to be of myself in peace and love power of positivity program has really putting more understanding to my life and people around me

  3. I’ve never fit in the mainstream. And people always ask me why is it so easy to talk to me? I can tell when somethings wrong and try to help almost everyone. But now in light of bad stuff I keep to myself.

  4. I'm interested to join the group

  5. I would say all light workers are Empaths but not all Empaths are lightworkers, yet.

  6. This is me 95% I love structure and routine. But I do often get overwhelmed with emotions of my friends I wish to save the world and rescue every hurting animal which is hard when you were raised by a person that has fallen so deep in the "dark" that my light dims when I'm around them and now to protect myself I avoid them but have to go around them because they raise my little light who lights up the whole world. My little autistic genius. I just started taking control of my generosity and emotions what are some suggestions to protect my self?

  7. This is me, too bad It's taken me so many years to be ok with it. I cry alot! I cry with strangers who bear their heart to me for what reason i have no idea. My life growing up i was taught emotions are weakness. NOPE! Im a strong emotionally connected woman. I have always dated ppl i think need healing but they abuse my purity, because they are hurt.for years i turned it all off (numbed it with mind altering substances) but i take steps every day to feel, and be ok with it.

  8. Definitely one and have always been one, can even see it refer in the poetry I write.

  9. Hey Laura!? How are you!? Great to meet you!!! I gotta say all of it does it all! Basically put! I really enjoy being able to express myself either with a camera and just letting lose taking pictures of whatever I find to be of interest or on paper in a notebook just jotting things down about characters and their construction as to who they are and how they react and act! It's so relieving because it takes me away from the hustle and bustle of daily living! I love meditation though, I often do yoga and crossfit training! That really recharges my batteries and gets me going! Doing this has given me peace of mind and let's me analyze myself and my thoughts! I guess it's the combination of all these elements that let me be at peace and bring peace to those around me!!

  10. It's a daily struggling but analyzing and choosing my reaction is critical and has changed everything Then research – lots of research Not easy – will never be

  11. And choose my reaction Its

  12. For 3 months I Kept diary – date time and what could have upset me or influenced my mood 99% of the time it was something that happened to others Then I deliberately prevent myself from reacting and I fir

  13. Do you think that the writing and photography keep you grounded or do you meditate?

  14. How did you find out you were not depressed, but instead an empath?

    1. Experience, and digging down to find out the difference. <3

  15. When I first learned that I was a empathy or a "sensitive", as some call us, I was taught that it's very important to each and every morning and sometimes again during the day, find time for a quick meditation and visualize being surrounded by white light (symbolizes God's love and light) or better yet, put yourself in a tube , all of mirrored glass on the outside, then fill the tube with white light. The mirrors reflect negative energy back on those who send it your way!! It does seem to help keep energy levels up.

  16. When I first learned that I was a empathy or a "sensitive", as some call us, I was taught that it's very important to each and every morning and sometimes again during the day, find time for a quick meditation and visualize being surrounded by white light (symbolizes God's love and light) or better yet, put yourself in a tube , all of mirrored glass on the outside, then fill the tube with white light. The mirrors reflect negative energy back on those who send it your way!! It does seem to help keep energy levels up.

  17. Meditation helps me let go of negativity…

  18. This explains me perfectly and it's very draining. I want to fix the world and I cannot comprehend why everyone else don't feel the same way. Why doesn't everyone want the best for everyone else. There is enough in this world for everyone. I just don't get it.

  19. I also find numerology and astrology very interesting.
    Self employed 25 years, have to be independen . Like being outdoors with my 2 doberman pinchers

  20. It looks like empaths and adhd have the same symptoms. I'm 51 and confused?
    Is a light worker and and empath the same?

  21. Is this why Im always depressed or drained for no reason lol!

  22. I could not agree more with a passage that lays out all the of the characteristics and details to how I feel about others and the world itself, for that matter! I feel that I can rest easy seeing that more and more people are coming into this world with this notion that there must be some other way of going about life than the norm than the mundane then the usual boredom that is society itself! I guess this is why we feel alone and scared at times, one of the points highlights how we keep to ourselves! I hope the rest of you find peace in what you do and make the most of it for yourselves and for others! I for my part am an English Teacher in the country of Colombia! It's so fulfilling so gratifying and I also consider myself to be an artist of such, I'm a photographer and a writer of children's books!

  23. Most likely I probably am. It's a gift and a curse.

  24. A blessing and a burden to be this way

  25. I would be very interested in bein apart of your group.

  26. huh explains a lot that's for sure. always knew I an empathetic but its to the extreme, to the point it has been a huge disadvantage to me…

  27. Yes and unfortunately psychologist don't recognize it and diagnose depression Took me many years to realize I'm not depressed !!

  28. PS "self love" has been a big learning lesson as well. Kind of like giving yourself the oxygen mask on the plane first, you can't help unless you are strong and well :-/

  29. Hi Shawn, Still kind of struggling to understand how to handle it. Can't move away & have young kids & husband who have their own energy. Best I've read yet is the grounding meditation, thank you Megan! And also Epsom salt baths, and recently I read Baking soda bath?? Haven't tried yet. But so grateful when I talk to other people who feel it.

  30. I would love to join this group!

  31. Thank you Jasmine I could tell you were genuine because most would have just hopped up here and started saying yea that's me that's me! but anyone who really is knows how draining it is. I live far away from the mainstream and I don't go out much because it is so spiritually overwhelming.

  32. OMG yes it is very exhausting !.

  33. All of the above since I was about 4 or 5.. I don't know how to let it roll away from me. So I get drained. Then I can't help myself… I am stuck in my life. Now, I am physically ill. But, I know it is all about this and me and them.. Help.

  34. This is me all over Always felt out of place, it's great reading this as every one written is all traits I have lol xx

  35. I am laughing like crazy right now. I am all 9! I embraced my ability about 15 years ago and have never looked back. Yeah I may not fit in but I wouldn't have it any other way. Sometimes I just don't get why the world doesn't get it. Then I realize they don't see things the way I do.

  36. Yes, definitely an empath!

  37. Brett Soanes Avatar
    Brett Soanes


  38. Barbora Kardos Avatar
    Barbora Kardos

    I am happy to see that there are many people that are like me here πŸ™‚ I was always told that I am overly sensitive, to grow thicker skin, to have boundaries with people and so on.. I love the way I am, even for the price of complete exhaustion.

  39. WOW! That's me alright. No wonder I'm always so drained & restless. Always felt like a free spirit trapped in a cold rigid society. Maybe that's why Iv never known what 2 do with my life & why none of my relationships last…

  40. Silver Wolf Avatar
    Silver Wolf

    This is definitely me to a T! I always found it strange that people would just walk up to me and start pouring out their problems….no matter where I live, I have pets just show up at my home…now I know and need to learn how to manage.

  41. Sophia Sanders Avatar
    Sophia Sanders

    Dead on you just broke my life down from present to to past yeah that's me

  42. Chilly Willy Avatar
    Chilly Willy

    I am an empath thanks for sharing

  43. Marylin Katherine Wood Avatar
    Marylin Katherine Wood

    Alisa Fulena I have an Identical twin, she lives atleast 6 hrs from me and when she is sad or mad I am the same but have no reason to be sad or mad. My oldest son is the same. He got over $85,000 thousand from his grandfather that was a part of his dads. We have always been poor. He gave me 10,000 thousand and a car. His friends used him up. He cared more for them they did him. Within 6 mos. he paid their bill and bought them cars and not a penny did they give back and when he could not pay any of his own bills they kicked him to the curb. He is a veteran now, not 30 years old yet and has a hard time coping with going to iraq. People just dont know what its like to want to help people and you cant

  44. Fai Wen Ramya Avatar
    Fai Wen Ramya

    What's the soul purpose of being an Empath? Agreed with some of the comments is so exhausting.

  45. Another point. Not forgetting that one (generally speaking as an Empath) have great affinity with animals and children. It describes me to a T and although known a long time an Empath – can be hard to live with, particularly absorbing other people's energies (mostly negative>>>). Not wishing to be 'labelled', but it was such a relief to know that I wasn't going mad/was mad>>

  46. Jody Langford Avatar
    Jody Langford

    As I look back on my work history I have struggled because of being an empath and such a high sensitivity to everyone and everything around me. No one understands this and they never will. They think you are just different or crazy. There are times when I pray to GOD to take it away. Just yesterday I came home from work and slept for two hours. Exhausted! I am a hairstylist and spa tech. so I am also a psychologist, psych

  47. Tania Nicole Avatar
    Tania Nicole

    Yes to all….

  48. Nicci Hancock Avatar
    Nicci Hancock

    I always thought I was to a degree, this just helps me be sure of what I've always known, thanks.

  49. Vicky Nasoufides Avatar
    Vicky Nasoufides

    I absorb others' negative energy, and am sought out for the exchange of negative to positive energy. Due to circumstances in the last year, this has led to emotional and spiritual burnout. Sleep and distancing helps. I've also recently happily accepted that I'm an introvert, i.e., someone who can restore their energy by being alone and reflecting. Aloneness and restoration of confidence, badly shaken this past year, has set me back on the path of the ever sensitive, ever people-oriented, yet ever uniqueness that an empath is. I don't fit in, never have. I'm not just a free spirit but an old soul, and this is a rare occasion that I let others know.

  50. Look up empath in ductionary and youll see my picture

  51. Shauna Cohn Avatar
    Shauna Cohn

    Mahesh Kay I was in the same boat at work, totally misunderstood and boy did i try to buck the system at times, yes kerri morton phillips i hear you too, I wasn't getting sick but was awfully drained at the end of the day, the bosses wouldn't listen to me or even accommodate my needs, so i quit, quite a dangerous thing when you're a single mum with a child relying you, but I simply had to do it, hopefully our government welfare benefits won't stop and i will at least be able to pay the rent, but I have wondered of late if there IS actually ANY workplaces that take in the spiritual side of people and rather than just seeing our paper qualifications look at us and assess what our metaphysical qualifications might bring to the company!

  52. Secret is you have to center yourself 2 hrs in the morning and 2 hours at night …every single day .

  53. Alisa Fulena Avatar
    Alisa Fulena

    *correction on previous comment* Living by my own rules, feeling others energy/feelings, the need for peace & great intuition are the areas I'm (not i've) best described.

  54. Alisa Fulena Avatar
    Alisa Fulena

    I feel the same as you and a lot of what happens to you happens to me too. I was told I had psychic abilities about 12 yrs ago by a psychic, so I've known a long time. However, it wasn't until recently that I've found out my specific psychic category is empath. Living by my own rules, feeling others energy/feelings, the need for peace & great intuition are the areas I've described best.

  55. I am a empath. I can feel and push my feelings out without meaning to. Is there any way to strengthen and control this??If so please help

  56. Yes..spot on for me too. I finally feel as though I understand myself a lot better.

  57. Trina Zechman Avatar
    Trina Zechman

    there was only one thing on there that wasnt quite me, nd that was Number 8

  58. Me to a T
    This is why I go home from work feeling drained work with disability sector

  59. Jody Langford Avatar
    Jody Langford

    This article also describes to a tee……

  60. Jody Langford Avatar
    Jody Langford

    Kerri Morton Phillips I have been told the same thing my whole life. Your too sensitive and I still struggle with this. Sometimes I see it as such a burden. Wondering what kind of work I should be doing with being an empath and being so ultra sensitive.

  61. I do relate to most. Except for the part of keeping things to myself. After Triple Negative Breast Cancer/Chemo/Surgeries/Radiation. I do share my helpful experiences. Being down on our luck with hardships and without income makes it hard to get on with life. Since this new normal makes me feel aged to 90. I do appreciate life and everyone in it.

  62. So nice to see everyone sharing and embracing who they are. Realization is acceptance of self is so important. Society "force feeds" us that we all need to be the same. That being "different" somehow is "wrong". It's wonderful to see so many kind-hearted, open minded, sensitive, in-tune people all encourage and embrace each other. Wishing each of you many blessed moments of peace, stillness and magical moments. A Huge Embrace to all of us who "feel" … and are not afraid to be who we are. Hugs to all and thanks for sharing! Enjoy your journey ~ B <3

  63. I have literally felt someone else's pain to the point that I was on the floor sobbing. I know that I can literally feel another person's emotions and they do not have to even be close to me. It has happened to me with people I know who live in another country! I thought I was crazy. This explains a lot.

  64. Maryanne Huber Avatar
    Maryanne Huber

    I can identify with 8/9 smile I chose to be a sign language interpreter because it uses my abilities to read people and convey their feelings as well as help me to make a difference in the world. After 30 years i'm tired though so looking for the new adventure. Fun to see others who get it.

  65. Nancy Martinez Avatar
    Nancy Martinez

    Totally me and it is exhaustingbut I wouldn't change who and how I am?

  66. I've had many people open up to me in public situations about their problems. I always thought it was because I'm a social person and often friendly to others. The helpfulness question gets me into trouble, though.

  67. I've had many people open up to me in public situations about their problems. I always thought it was because I'm a social person and often friendly to others. The helpfulness question gets me into trouble, though.

  68. Linda Mcnulty Avatar
    Linda Mcnulty

    Yes that's me ! Goosebumps

  69. Sharon Lee Thompson Avatar
    Sharon Lee Thompson

    Sounds slot like me

  70. Robyn Cadrain Avatar
    Robyn Cadrain

    I realized that I am an Empath a few months ago. Since then, things seem to make much more sense! Reading and learning as much as I can about Empaths and empathy in general. Feeling blessed…. πŸ™‚

  71. Sounds like me I just thot I was weird

  72. Precy Bansag Acosta Avatar
    Precy Bansag Acosta

    It's all true for me base on my experience really love it. Thank you karina for I discover your page.God bless you.

  73. Joyce Mason Avatar
    Joyce Mason

    This is definitely me. I couldn't understand how people would sit by me and pour their life story out. I didn't enjoy what I was hearing a lot of the time, in fact some story's distressed me. I am learning how to listen without absorbing the information. At school I never fit in with the other children I was one on my own and it was might lonely sometimes xxx

  74. Me to a tee ,though I don't absorb as much as I used to ,I need a reiki healing periodically to destress from others probs

  75. Wow! I have struggled with this my whole life. I am so happy I stumbled across this article. Now I can research it more πŸ™‚

  76. Paige Burns Avatar
    Paige Burns

    You have to find balance. First step is to identify that you are and empath. I use stones to help ground me and protect me from outside influence. They are a tool that you can use to help with absorbing negative energy around you and from people trying to drain you. Later I learned how to protect myself with my own energy but with practice. At times when I am tired I will still use the stones to help me just as an extra boost of protection. But with practice you can can control your energy field around and who you allow in to your energy field and who you do not. Learning to work with your own energy is the most important thing to learn. I hope this helps. I am on my own journey of enlightenment. Sending Light and love to you on your journey.

  77. Danielle Doig Avatar
    Danielle Doig

    What can be done to block others energy either good or bad??

  78. Paige Burns Avatar
    Paige Burns

    You have to find balance. First step is to identify that you are and empath. I use stones to help ground me and protect me from outside influence. They are a tool that you can use to help with absorbing negative energy around you and from people trying to drain you. Later I learned how to protect myself with my own energy but with practice. At times when I am tired I will still use the stones to help me just as an extra boost of protection. But with practice you can can control your energy field around and who you allow in to your energy field and who you do not. Learning to work with your own energy is the most important thing to learn. I hope this helps. I am on my own journey of enlightenment. Sending Light and love to each of you!

  79. Paige Burns Avatar
    Paige Burns

    You have to find balance. First step is to identify that you are and empath. I use stones to help ground me and protect me from outside influence. They are a tool that you can use to help with absorbing negative energy around you and from people trying to drain you. Later I learned how to protect myself with my own energy but with practice. At times when I am tired I will still use the stones to help me just as an extra boost of protection. But with practice you can can control your energy field around and who you allow in to your energy field and who you do not. Learning to work with your own energy is the most important thing to learn. I hope this helps. I am on my own journey of enlightenment. Sending Light and love to each of you!

  80. Sonya Kelly Bagnell Avatar
    Sonya Kelly Bagnell

    So me can't believe it

  81. Michael DeFillippo Avatar
    Michael DeFillippo

    Yes I m …

  82. Well if I was not sure…I am now…explains a lot about my behavior over the years….being misunderstood!

  83. Rhian Housepikey Jeremiah Avatar
    Rhian Housepikey Jeremiah

    Madness… I relate to every single point

  84. You have just described me to a tee

  85. There is no bad to be an empath.u have tremendous power in you, to heal the whole universe.Its a sign of spiritual awakning.

  86. Marylin Katherine Wood Avatar
    Marylin Katherine Wood

    This is so me. I have perfect strangers tell me their problems. Some of them are heart wrenching when they tell me that their husband and molested their child or a grown child tells me about their father would beat them. Some men tell me their problems. I don't ask they just spill their problems to me and the wives or girlfriends get mad at me. I lose so many friends. But, I guess they really were not my friends. My husband even gets mad. I don't do anything. People just feel like they need to tell me. Its a burden sometimes. I can't sleep and sometimes I feel their anguish and pain that I just want to hide. Go somewhere where I can think and be happy. There is so much pain and hate in the world that I feel like its going to take me down. I wish my family understood the way this feels. I get depressed a lot. And it takes a lot to talk myself back to reality sometimes. I feel so alone. If I talk about my feelings, I get told to just suck it up. And deal with it. They just don't know.

  87. Yes to all. I know that I have always been empath

  88. Oh my. I always thought I was a bit odd….. Nice to know I'm not really. This describes me so accurately it's scary. Something to think about for sure.

  89. Wow I always thought I was different now I know

  90. Kerri Morton Phillips Avatar
    Kerri Morton Phillips

    Buy, Mahesh Kay, I do still feel good about who I am, just not what career I'm in right now. I know I'm in the wrong career, and need to make a change asap.

  91. Kerri Morton Phillips Avatar
    Kerri Morton Phillips

    To Mahesh Kay:

    I'm actually not doing well—I'm on a short-term disability leave right now, because I'm getting sick all the time. I need to find something where I might work around a small group of people, but mostly work by myself. I'm on major stress burnout!

  92. Kerri Morton Phillips How do you managed at work place and relationship with the symptoms of empath? I find it hard to manage.

  93. You need to take some personal time, go on a vacation! If you're like me it's hard to when you are dedicated to your job and employees. But it is well worth it to take time for yourself!

  94. Berry Blanco Avatar
    Berry Blanco

    work out works 4 me πŸ˜‰

  95. Vivi ElttΓΈr Avatar
    Vivi ElttΓΈr

    This is me and yes it is very exhausting I work as a leader in a factory and people very often. Have something privat and problems to share with me. I have been at home now with stress for half a year now and will start work again in january. I am worried that I will be drained after a short time. How shall I work with this.?

  96. I am I think on half the way on this path….People do share things with me openly and open up easily on just the second or third meeting….

  97. Lori McElroy Avatar
    Lori McElroy

    Most defiantly exhausting. Especially when someone inn true emotional distress reaches out. I have had to learn that's it's ok to take time for myself and rejuvenate. Getting out in nature really helps this process.

  98. Kerri Morton Phillips Avatar
    Kerri Morton Phillips

    I attended a mandatory seminar at work where we took a test to see what our 5 strengths are. Right at the top of my list is empathy. I was always told I was overly sensitive and to get over it. But here I learned my top STRENGTH is also what I thought was my biggest problem. It was so great to be able to turn my thoughts around, and use the sensitivity to help others! It took me awhile to really accept it, but I now love who I am too!

  99. Crystal Jasper-Gayle Avatar
    Crystal Jasper-Gayle

    This article gave me goose-bumps! Every word describes my personality and feelings towards others. Amazing!

  100. Petra Eckhardt Avatar
    Petra Eckhardt

    This all describes perfectly me……thanks….

  101. This explains me to a T. I always thought something was wrong with me but this explains it! I love who I am!

  102. Margo Riddle-Davis Avatar
    Margo Riddle-Davis

    This is me all the way!

  103. Kerri Morton Phillips Avatar
    Kerri Morton Phillips

    I am, and it's exhausting, but I'm able to help people on a bit deeper level. I wouldn't have it any other way. I try to give kindness and love to everyone I meet. πŸ™‚

  104. Norma Fares Avatar
    Norma Fares

    Maybe I am…

  105. Wow maybe iam more research please n thank u

  106. If you would like to be in the group…message me being that is secret…

  107. I am definatly… ever since I was little I knew I was diff… Just never knew why… this while article explains me exactly… I've helped ppl so much that it has gotten me to a point that I get taken advantage of and left with nothing but I keep moving bc I believe that there is a lot of healing to do in this world and I kno I'm one of the few that can help with that πŸ™‚

  108. Maree Costa Avatar
    Maree Costa

    Hi Lupe, I am every bit of above. Could I please join your group? I attract negativity, and it has affected me badly.

  109. Yes, I am so empath. I can tell what people are about to say or do before it happens. But sometimes negative people surprise you with what they have to say and then that can bring done. I am going try meditation and may be that will help. Staying away from negative people!

  110. Yes I am a empath I've done it for years, but didn't know it until lately . I was wondering why I felt what others felt, why felt tried after being around others . I'm always on the outside of others . When I release its al at once and I get to feeling better almost instantly . Learning to live with it as the days go by .

  111. Florence Pedroche Coloso Avatar
    Florence Pedroche Coloso

    I've always known I am an empath. The real challenge for me is easily absorbing the negative energy coming from outside others. So learned to discern who is destructive and avoid that person

  112. Erik Christine Naugle Avatar
    Erik Christine Naugle

    I am interested in joining the group as well

  113. Lisa M. Serrano-Kelly Avatar
    Lisa M. Serrano-Kelly

    yep 9/9! The grounding really works and the protection bubble too if you believe enables you to help others without picking up all their issues.

  114. I am interested in joining your group.

  115. Finally. An article that actually describes what I have been trying to figure out for awhile.

  116. codependency I believe, meaning two people (or possibly more) living emotionally and/or physically dependant of each other. Has nothing to do with what is being talked about here.

  117. Frances Brueggemann Avatar
    Frances Brueggemann

    sounds codependent to me!

  118. Karen Povall Avatar
    Karen Povall

    Sounds like me. I believe ive been a Empath all my life.

  119. Ron McGinnis Avatar
    Ron McGinnis

    Yep all 9 … wish i would have known sooner on life…would have made life easier

  120. Megan Suzanne Zylstra Thank you very much. It's a great advice and helped me a lot. πŸ™‚

  121. Jasmine Prodonovich Avatar
    Jasmine Prodonovich

    Thank you Megan! I do find meditation helps a lot. And love this idea. Will try!

  122. Megan Suzanne Zylstra Avatar
    Megan Suzanne Zylstra

    Ground yourself every morning . This should protect you if you believe it will and remember to do it. Ground yourself by sitting on the edge of your bed or on a chair. Plant your feet on the ground nice and strong. Clear your mind close your eyes and think about the core of the earth. Image all the energy colours you can (different ones come to different people) see it go threw the ground and up into your feet and threw your body and to the tip top and out side of you forming a bubble think about this beautiful energy bubble and think about how this will keep you safe and protect you threw out the day wen you feel out of balance take a moment to yourself and try again. My sister showed me this and it helped me a lot. Hope it works for you

  123. Yes i am a light worker and an empath i believe they must come hand in hand. I am also a Wiccan.How does one pertect themselves or should j say what is a good way of not overfow yourself w others negative energies. Im very sensitive and need to find better ways of getting rid of negative energies or how not to pick them up so easily

  124. Jim Mitchell Avatar
    Jim Mitchell

    I've always known I am. As a child there was a spiritualist next door I loved. Heard her tell my mother I have the gift. I love it except when I feel or see pain in others. Also have visits from the deceased, and that I do love all the time. I know this is different, but think it all connects.
    I was getting a tattoo of a Buddhist lotus on my back and made a connection with the Buddhist spirit. After, my artist asked what was happening.

  125. Arikarin Zumotokuari Avatar
    Arikarin Zumotokuari

    All of the 9 things, i never knew there was such a word for them all, i know others as well, and yes it i would be grateful for help to stopping vampires leeching positive energies please , and thank you so very very much for a clearer and deeper understanding of it all.. ??

  126. Kristi Bell Avatar
    Kristi Bell

    Definitely relate to this!

  127. I never really understood myself i get so imvolved if someone is hurt or in pain 100% me…..

  128. I'm definitely one. But you have to learn to separate yourself from all those thoughts and emotions. You have to turn inward and tap into that vast empty space your true spirit YOU not the physical you. Separate from it. Become aware! See what happens! I know longer let anything or anyone bother me anymore. I'm more happier. If you want to learn more read Eckhart Tolle. Trust me!

  129. April McCauley Avatar
    April McCauley

    Yes, I am. We're special. πŸ˜‰

  130. Jasmine Prodonovich Avatar
    Jasmine Prodonovich

    Yes, this is me for sure….. Now please post ways to not absorb all of the emotions around me. How can you feel & help but not carry it or feel it so deeply?

  131. Jan Booker Avatar
    Jan Booker

    Definitely but learning to manage not to get overwhelmed by peoples emotions and leave work at work and not take it home. Having good friends, an addiction to gardening and dog walking is great

  132. Sounds like me, but you still have to earn a living.

  133. Yes it is so me ??? ??? ???? ?? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? thanks

  134. Yes this fits me to a t! Very interesting to read about this! Thank you;-)

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