Search results for: “Restorative Yoga”

  • Restorative Yoga Benefits Will Surprise You

    Restorative Yoga Benefits Will Surprise You

    The practice of restorative yoga has been around for centuries. Yogis far and wide connect with their inner wisdom in an effort to develop a mind-body-spirit connection that strengthens all aspects of the self. Diligent students of this practice cite benefits to all aspects of their lives, urging us to stop the hustle and bustle…

  • A Beginner Guide to Restorative Yoga

    A Beginner Guide to Restorative Yoga

    Restorative yoga is a type of yoga practice designed to open your body with slow movements and deep breathing. While many contemporary yoga practices focus on speed of movement and tackling lots of different postures per session, restorative yoga does the opposite. Instead, you may only perform a couple of poses per session and hold…

  • Restorative Yoga: Staff Pose

    Restorative Yoga: Staff Pose

    Restorative yoga is a passive style of yoga where each pose  (asana) is supported by props—bolsters, straps, blankets, blocks, chair, or wall. This support enables the practitioner to comfortably sink into a pose and hold it for  5 to 10 minutes. And that allows them to let go, be present, and completely relax in the…

  • Restorative Yoga — Legs Up the Wall

    Restorative Yoga — Legs Up the Wall

    Restorative yoga is a passive style of yoga where each pose (asana) is supported by props—bolsters, straps, blankets, or blocks. The support enables the practitioner to comfortably sink into a pose and hold it for between 5 and 10 minutes. This is an aid, allowing them to let go, be present, and completely relax in…

  • Restorative Yoga – Supported Child’s Pose

    Restorative Yoga – Supported Child’s Pose

    It’s Namaste Thursday! Dr. Laurie Buchanan was happy to stop by and share one of everyone’s favorite restorative yoga poses, supported child’s pose. Read along and learn through Dr. Buchanan to relax, restore, and rejuvenate! “The most important purpose of Yoga is to bring about a deep transformation of the individual–an awakening of intelligence that…

  • Restorative Yoga: Supported Seated Forward Bend

    Restorative Yoga: Supported Seated Forward Bend

    Restorative yoga is a beautiful style of yoga that’s both powerful and gentle. As mentioned in previous articles, restorative yoga is a term for poses done with the full support of bolsters, straps, blankets, or blocks—allowing the practitioner to comfortably sink into a pose that’s held for between 5 and 10 minutes so they can…